Protecting Your Programs: Addressing the Measles Outbreak

And evaluating your vaccination requirements on programs

Measles virus

Recently, the resurgence of measles has become a concerning reality, particularly for the travel and experiential education sectors. Cornerstone Safety Group acknowledges the gravity of this situation and aims to provide comprehensive guidance to our members in navigating the current landscape effectively.

Understanding the Measles Outbreak

Measles, an extremely contagious and potentially deadly disease, has reemerged in the United States as a result of increasing anti-vaccination sentiment. This resurgence has been linked to unvaccinated travelers becoming infected abroad, then spreading Measles upon returning to the US. The recent outbreak in Florida underscores the urgent need for specific guidelines and proactive measures to mitigate the risk.

Recommendations for Travel Programs

In light of the ongoing measles outbreak, Cornerstone Safety Group strongly advises travel and experiential education programs to include mandatory measles vaccination as a prerequisite for participation. This proactive approach not only safeguards the health and well-being of participants but also helps prevent the further spread of the disease.

Additionally, in accordance with standard guidelines for measles, we emphatically recommend a mandatory two-week TRUE quarantine for individuals confirmed to have contracted measles. It's crucial to emphasize that even asymptomatic individuals can unknowingly transmit the virus, making stringent quarantine measures imperative to prevent further transmission.

sick teenager

Understanding the Severity of Measles

We understand that imposing a new requirement for travel on your programs can be a big undertaking. This involves multiple internal and external stakeholders, but measles is an extremely contagious and deadly disease.

Measles poses significant health risks, especially for children and older adults, with a mortality rate of 1 in 1000 cases and long-term neurological complications affecting 3 in 1000 cases. Some people infected with measles will die years later from a delayed neurodegenerative condition called Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE). Imagine wondering for 10 years if a child will die from a vaccine-preventable illness. Furthermore, each infected individual will infect 10-15 others, highlighting the rapid spread of the disease in unvaccinated populations. 

It's essential to recognize that the resurgence of measles in the USA is a direct consequence of the anti-vaccination trend in recent years. The tolerance for vaccine hesitancy has allowed a previously eradicated disease to make a comeback, underscoring the importance of renewing our focus on vaccination efforts.

Advocating for Mandates

In light of these alarming developments, Cornerstone Safety Group urges you to consider the implementation of vaccination mandates for all standard childhood and adult vaccination within travel and experiential education organizations. While we understand the challenges associated with enforcing such mandates, the safety and well-being of participants must remain the top priority.

Furthermore, we reiterate the importance of staying up to date on vaccinations for other communicable respiratory viruses, including COVID-19 and influenza. While adherence to these recommendations may vary among our members, our responsibility to prioritize public health necessitates advocating for these mandates.


The resurgence of measles serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of vaccination and proactive public health measures. As leaders in the travel and experiential education sectors, it is incumbent upon us to prioritize the safety of our participants and the communities we visit. By implementing stringent vaccination protocols and quarantine measures, we can collectively mitigate the risk posed by measles and safeguard the well-being of all stakeholders. Together, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting health and safety in all our endeavors.

If you need any guidance on how to add a vaccination requirement into your current process, want further information about this recommendation, or have any questions, reach out to us at


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